5 Potential Causes of Toothaches - KRB Dentistry
  • Nov 4, 2021

5 Potential Causes of Toothaches

If you are concerned about your oral health, you visit your dentist twice a year,
clean your teeth twice a day, and limit your sweets and processed foods intake. Even if your dental hygiene regimen is A+, it doesn’t guarantee you won’t have a toothache. A cavity is most commonly the culprit, but there are other possibilities. They may vary from tooth grinding to a sinus infection. So, what are the different causes, and why is it essential to get expert dental help if your discomfort lasts more than a day or two?

1– Extreme Toothaches

A cavity or fractured tooth may be the source of your toothache if it is sudden, severe, and stabbing. In addition, if you feel a throbbing or a continuous pain upon biting, you may have an abscessed tooth or an infection. To prevent additional problems, the pain should be treated as soon as possible.

2– Dental Trauma or Injury

Physical exertion may cause a tooth to fracture, crack or chip. Teeth fractures may result from a sports injury, a hard fall, or a forceful bite. Whatever the cause, if the fracture extends to the tooth’s nerve, it may result in pain or discomfort that may worsen until it is addressed. Dental trauma may also cause fillings or sealants to dislodge, exposing the inner portion of the tooth or the nerve, resulting in a toothache.

3. Infections

A common complication of an untreated tooth is that it spreads to the root and surrounding tissues. The development of an abscess indicates infection. This kind of discomfort is often broad, making it difficult to pinpoint the source. A pulsing ache and, in some instances, a fever are symptoms of an infection. More importantly, if not treated promptly, this may lead to bone and tissue loss.

4– Periodontal Disease

Periodontal disease is a term used to describe a group of diseases that affect the gums and bone surrounding the tooth.
Inflammation–red, swollen, or bleeding gums–are the hallmarks of many gum disorders. This results in a dull ache in the tooth and its surrounding area.
Gum disorders are often caused by bacterial infections, which, if left untreated, may lead to further discomfort and damage to the teeth, gums, and bones.

5– Maybe It’s Not Even Tooth Related?

Temporomandibular joint problems, which are induced by jaw injury, arthritis, or teeth grinding, maybe the source of your discomfort. Wisdom teeth that are embedded in your jaw and did not erupt may be causing your jaw discomfort or toothache.

The best approach to avoid toothache and other oral health issues are to maintain good oral hygiene and get regular dental treatment. Brush your teeth at least twice a day, floss at least once a day, and see your dentist for an oral checkup and professional cleaning every six months.

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