Tips for Getting Rid of Gingivitis - KRB Dentistry
  • Feb 25, 2021

Tips for Getting Rid of Gingivitis

Gingivitis is a condition characterized by painful, inflamed gums, often occurring due to a plaque build-up in the mouth. Though uncomfortable, gingivitis is generally not a severe condition and is easily treated; however, it can progress into a more dangerous condition called periodontitis if left untreated. Therefore, treating gingivitis quickly is imperative. Let’s discuss how to get rid of gingivitis speedily and easily, so you can get on with your day happily and without discomfort!

Figure 1 Gingivitis

Signs of Gingivitis

There are many signs and symptoms of gingivitis. These include swollen and reddened gums, regular bleeding of the gums during brushing or flossing, bad breath, receding gums, and sore or tender gums. It is most commonly caused by a build-up of plaque around the teeth. When this plaque hardens over time, it becomes tartar, which then irritates your gums’ base around the teeth and causes gingivitis.

How to Get Rid of Gingivitis

Gingivitis is an uncomfortable and potentially embarrassing condition. However, there are numerous ways to get rid of it. Of course, the best treatment is prevention; so, always make sure you are brushing your teeth well and don’t allow plaque to build up around your gum line.

To treat gingivitis, it’s essential first to visit your dentist and get the tartar build-up removed. You won’t be able to remove the plaque and tartar yourself by brushing, in part because this will aggravate your sore gums and because the hardened tartar provides a barrier between the teeth and the plaque. Your dentist will be able to remove the tartar for you, though, and this is the first step in getting rid of gingivitis.

Once your teeth have been cleaned, all you need to do is ensure you follow good oral health practices while your gums heal and lose the inflammation. Always brush your teeth twice a day for at least 2 minutes, using a brush that is the correct hardness for your mouth. Always use fluoride toothpaste, too, as this is the most effective at getting rid of plaque and bacteria in the mouth.

It would be best if you ideally tried flossing, too. This can be challenging immediately after gingivitis as your gums may be sore and more prone to bleeding. If this is the case for you, start by brushing well and allow your gums to heal a little by themselves before beginning to floss.

An antiseptic mouthwash can also be used following brushing to help keep your mouth clean and healthy. This is a gentle way to clean your mouth effectively and reduce the risk of your gums bleeding. Therefore, we highly recommend that you try mouthwash if you are struggling to brush without causing your gums to bleed.

Consult a Dentist!

Of course, your dentist can give you further support for your mouth while recovering from gingivitis, so stay in touch with them and make sure that you understand the steps to take to keep your mouth healthy and allow the gingivitis to heal.


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