A dental bridge is a device used by the dentists at KRB Dentistry when you’re missing one or more teeth.
Bridges help eliminate rotation and shifting of the teeth surrounding your gap. Additionally, when you’re missing teeth, your chances of developing gum disease and temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders may also increase. Bridges reduce that risk, too.
Regardless of the kind of bridge you choose, the dentists at KRB Dentistry cement it to abutments that serve as anchors for your bridge. The most common bridges include:
- Traditional: When you choose a traditional bridge, your dentist at KRB Dentistry removes enamel from your teeth to make room for your bridge.
- Cantilever: Cantilever bridges are traditional bridges held down on only one side.
- Maryland: Resin-bonded or Maryland bridges offer a more conservative approach to replacing your front teeth. Metal or porcelain framework bonded to the back of the teeth on either side of your gap hold your Maryland bridge in place. Because Maryland bridges aren’t held in place by crowns, your adjacent teeth don’t need filing.
- Implant-supported: Your dentist at KRB Dentistry offers implant-supported bridges when you’re missing more than one tooth. This type of bridge feels the most like the natural teeth it replaces.